31. Sandalphon

Known as the twin flame of Archangel Metatron.

SKU: bot31ess Category:



Known as the twin Flame of the archangel Metatron. Sandalphon has a deep connection with music and musicians and encourages us to appreciate the beauty of sound. Sandalphon also governs the Earth star, helping us to keep grounded on the earth. Coming to us on a silver ray, Sandalphon is supportive of animals, nature and the elemental kingdoms. She is a guardian of the Earth elements, deeply committed to helping Mother Earth and all who live upon her to ascend and re-link with the heavenly realms of the Divine.

Her guidance is soft but powerful, she is tall and often mistaken as male. Her advice is accurate and may even guide you through a song, poem, or show up as angelic sounding music.

Sandalphon has a wonderful way of helping people to realign with their truth and  aligning synchronicity, connecting you with the right people at the perfect time to validate your inspiration, answer questions and help you to progress further into alignment.


Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg