Kids Mini Set.

The Mini Kids chakra bottles are exact replicas of the larger oils but have a roll-top.

SKU: 3dd9424294b0 Category:


This is a must-have tool for every parent, remedial teacher, healer and those working with special needs kids. We now have a gentle and unobtrusive solution for kids to communicate effectively with parents, carers and healers. Each of the eight essential oil colours corresponds to a chakra (energy centre) and emotion.
By choosing the colour, the child then rubs it on a body part they choose, which gives you instantaneous feedback as to how they’re feeling – even when they can’t voice this themselves.
New age kids intuitively understand this age old form of colour healing (dating back to the ancient Egyptians) and are able to create profound shifts. It is the perfect tool for effective two-way communication and healing – between kids, parents and teachers.
Includes Postage UK= £4.10 first class registered.