85. G34 -The Gold Anchor.

The pale gold of this bottle relates to the richness of the gold in your solar plexus.

SKU: 8c5f6ecd29a0 Category:


The pale gold of this bottle relates to the richness of the gold you have in your solar plexus and your whole being and reminds you that you are already deeply connected to your authentic Divine self. It opens a path to pure, clear, rich, awareness of your Divine mastery and anchors the authentic power of your I Amness.

These colours connect you with the Golden Gaia bottles and remind you that on this journey of birthing the Golden Age you have always been held very securely in the deep magenta of Divine love. If you are drawn to these colours you are likely to have been part of the first wave of star beings that arrived to help the planet move into the 5th Dimension. This journey has not been particularly easy as there was so little support when you landed on the planet. No one knew who you were and what an immense destiny you had. This is finally your time. In this bottle you can now come to know without doubt that you are Divinely loved.